How to Achieve Color Consistency with Big Paint Jobs

How to Achieve Color Consistency with Big Paint Jobs

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How to Achieve Color Consistency with Big Paint Jobs

How to Achieve Color Consistency with Big Paint Jobs

There are few things more annoying than starting a paint job and realizing halfway through that one side of your property looks completely different from the rest, despite the fact that you used the same paint throughout. Before you start blaming yourself or wondering where you went wrong, however, you should see if your paint failed you. If you aren’t careful, your paint could become inconsistent throughout the application. By applying it or allowing it to dry in different ways, different paint can take on different hues throughout a single job.

Here’s how you can avoid that and maintain quality color consistency from start to finish.

Buy More Paint Than You Need

There is nothing more annoying when painting than realizing that you don’t have enough paint to finish a job you’ve already started. Not only can it be a hassle to have to go to the store to buy more, and not only does it delay the project’s completion time, but it also means that the new paint will dry after the paint you have already applied. This difference can result in two different shades depending on the type of paint and how they dry.

You naturally don’t want the side of your home having two different versions of the same color overlapping with each other simply because you couldn’t paint it all in one go. As such, you should always make sure to buy at least a little bit more paint than you think you might need. 

Keep Your Paint Cans Straight

If you paint with different paint cans from different makers, or even with the same paint from the same maker, it is essential that you make sure you know which paint cans you have already used. Dipping your brush into one paint can, forgetting you’ve done so, and then dipping it into another is an easy way to accidentally mix and pollute colors, or apply the wrong shade to the wrong place.

Make Sure You Have the Right Tools

For every task there is a proper tool, and painting is no exception. Ensuring you have the right tools – including brushes, sprayers, primers, paints, and any ladders or scaffolding – is essential.

Add Layers Consistently

If you have different amounts of layers on different parts of a painted wall, it will play havoc with the color consistency. If you have three coats of paint in one section, therefore, you should be consistent in how many coats you have for areas in the rest of the project that share that same paint color.

Practice Proper Painting Techniques

Last, but not least, color consistency owes a lot to how you paint the surface in question.

For example, you should make sure that the finishing strokes on the surface are all going in the same direction so as to avoid odd criss-crossing patterns, color pollution, and paint bumps. Be consistent in the amount of pressure you use when applying the paint. Always make sure to start at the top and work your way down so you can paint over downward drizzling paint

These simple tips can help ensure you maintain proper color consistency throughout your project.

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