What Color Should I Paint My House Outside: A Guide - Matt the Painter

What Color Should I Paint My House Outside: A Guide

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What Color Should I Paint My House Outside: A Guide

what color should i paint my house outside

When it comes to deciding what color you should paint your house outside, there are numerous factors to consider. From personal style preferences and architectural design to the surrounding environment and local trends, finding the perfect exterior paint color can be both exciting and challenging.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to help you pick the perfect exterior paint color for your home. We’ll discuss important factors to take into account when selecting a paint color, popular choices among homeowners, as well as how to test paint samples before committing fully.

Additionally, we’ll share valuable tips on painting your home’s exterior for an impeccable finish that lasts. For those seeking professional assistance with their exterior paint jobs or in need of quality house painters near them, we’ve got you covered too!

Table of Contents:

Choosing the Right Color for Your Home’s Exterior

When deciding on a hue for the outside of your house, there are various elements to think about. The right color can enhance your home’s curb appeal and reflect your personal style. To ensure the perfect exterior paint color, here are some helpful tips.

Understanding the Impact of Color

The choice of paint colors has a significant impact on how people perceive your house. Lighter colors tend to make a building appear larger and more inviting, while darker shades create an imposing effect. Earth tones like browns and greens blend well with natural surroundings, whereas bold hues such as reds or blues stand out in any neighborhood.

Analyzing Architectural Style and Surroundings

Your home’s architectural style plays a crucial role in determining suitable color schemes. For instance, older homes may look best with muted hues that complement their historical charm. On the other hand, modern houses often benefit from glossy finishes or black exteriors for added sophistication.

Finding Inspiration From Neighbors’ Homes

  • Browse through nearby neighborhoods to gather ideas from similar properties.
  • Note which exterior paint jobs catch your eye – do they feature dark hues or lighter colors?
  • Talk to neighbors about their experiences with different brands like Sherwin Williams or Ecos Paints before making a decision.

Gathering Paint Samples & Testing Colors Before Painting Begins

To ensure the perfect color match, gather paint samples and test them on your home’s exterior. This will allow you to see how various shades look under different lighting conditions and help avoid any costly mistakes.

When picking a hue for your home’s exterior, it is essential to think about the house’s design and its environment. Additionally, take into account factors such as light exposure, climate conditions, and personal preference when making this decision. In order to make an educated selection of paint color for the outside of your house, we will delve further into these considerations, including illumination levels, climate conditions, and individual preferences.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Paint Color

Choosing the perfect exterior paint color for your home can be overwhelming, but considering these factors will help you make an informed decision:

  • Architectural Style: The style of your home plays a significant role in determining suitable paint colors. For instance, older homes may look best with muted hues and earth tones, while modern designs often favor bold or darker shades.
  • Surroundings: Take note of the colors used on neighboring houses and nearby buildings. You want your home’s exterior to complement its surroundings without blending in too much or clashing.
  • Purpose: Are you painting your house for personal satisfaction or preparing it for sale? If selling is the goal, opt for neutral colors that appeal to a broader audience.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Observe how sunlight affects different paint samples throughout the day. Lighter colors tend to appear brighter under direct sunlight, while dark hues may seem more intense.

To get started with choosing an appropriate color scheme, browse through popular options from reputable brands like Sherwin-Williams. Don’t forget about finishes; glossy paint provides a shiny finish that highlights architectural details but might not suit every style. On the other hand, an eggshell finish offers a subtle sheen ideal for most exteriors.

If sustainability is important to you, consider eco-friendly options such as Ecos Paints, which are free from harmful chemicals and VOCs (source). Ultimately, selecting an exterior paint color should reflect your personal style while enhancing the overall appeal of your home.

When selecting a paint color for the exterior of your house, it is important to consider factors such as climate, architecture, and personal preference. In addition to climate, architecture, and personal preference, it is also important to consider current trends when selecting an exterior paint color for your home. Next, we will go over some of the in-vogue exterior paint colors available now.

Popular Exterior Paint Colors

Selecting the proper color for your home’s exterior can be a daunting challenge, but there are some timeless favorites that remain beloved by both homeowners and onlookers. Here are five popular exterior paint colors that you might consider for your home:

  1. Earth Tones: Earth tones such as beige, taupe, and brown provide a warm and inviting look to any home’s exterior. These colors blend well with natural surroundings and work particularly well on older homes or those with stone or brick accents. Check out Sherwin Williams’ collection of earth-tone paints.
  2. Muted Hues: Soft shades like light gray, sage green, or pale blue offer a subtle yet elegant appearance that complements various architectural styles. Muted hues work best when paired with contrasting trim colors for added visual interest.
  3. Darker Shades: Bold choices like navy blue, dark green, or charcoal gray make a strong statement while providing excellent coverage against dirt and stains. Dark hues tend to create an upscale feel but may require more frequent touch-ups due to fading from sun exposure.
  4. Fresh Coat of White: A classic choice for many homes is white – it offers simplicity while creating an airy atmosphere perfect for smaller houses in need of visual expansion.
  5. Bold Black Exteriors: For those seeking drama and sophistication in their curb appeal, black exteriors are a daring yet increasingly popular choice. Pairing well with lighter trim colors, this option is sure to make your home stand out.

When picking the ideal outer paint shade for your abode, contemplate factors like your individual flair and the atmosphere nearby. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different paint colors, but always test paint samples before committing to ensure satisfaction with the final result. Glossy paint with a shiny finish, like Ecos Paints can add a modern touch to your home’s exterior. Additionally, lighter colors can make your home appear larger, while darker shades can add depth and character.

Before you begin painting, make sure to prepare the surface properly and choose the right type of exterior paint for your home. The eggshell finish is a popular choice for its durability and resistance to fading. With the right color and finish, your home’s exterior can look brand new with a fresh coat of paint.

Choosing a distinctive and captivating hue for your residence’s exterior can be achieved by selecting from the many popular paint shades. To ensure the best results, it is important to test any potential color before committing to painting your house. Now let’s explore how you can do this effectively.

How to Test Paint Colors Before Committing

Here are some helpful tips on how to try out various paint colors without committing:

A. Order Paint Samples

Purchase paint samples from reputable brands like Sherwin Williams or Ecos Paints in your desired shades. These small containers allow you to apply the color directly onto your home’s exterior, giving you an accurate representation of how it will look.

B. Use Digital Tools

Many paint companies offer online tools that let you upload a photo of your house and virtually “paint” it with different colors. This is an excellent way to see how various hues will look on your home before investing time and money into painting.

C. Consider Lighter Colors vs Dark Hues

Note that lighter colors tend to make spaces appear larger, while darker shades create a more intimate atmosphere. To decide between light and dark tones, why not try comparing them side-by-side?

D. Observe at Different Times of Day

It is important to note that the same paint color can look drastically different at various times of day, so consulting professionals may be beneficial.

E. Consult With Professionals

If you’re still unsure about which exterior paint color to choose, consider consulting with a professional painter like Matt The Painter. They can offer expert advice on color schemes and help you find the perfect shade to match your home’s style and your personal taste.

Before deciding on a hue, it is wise to sample the colors in order to guarantee that they will be suitable for your house’s exterior. With this in mind, let us now turn our attention toward some tips for painting your home’s exterior.

What Color Should I Paint My House Outside?

Choosing the right exterior paint color for your home can be a challenging decision. Your home’s exterior is the first thing people notice, and you want to make a good impression. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect paint color for your home’s exterior:

5 Tips for Painting Your Home’s Exterior

To ensure a successful painting project, proper preparation of the surface is key. Here are some tips to help ensure a successful painting project:

Prepping the Surface

Clean and Repair: Before applying paint, it is essential to clean the surface thoroughly by pressure washing. Remove any dirt, mildew, or loose paint chips that may affect adhesion. Also, repair any damaged areas, such as cracked siding or peeling trim.

Selecting Quality Paint and Tools

Invest in High-Quality Paint: Choose a durable exterior paint, preferably one with UV protection and water resistance properties. This will ensure long-lasting color retention and weather resistance.

Pick Suitable Brushes/Rollers: Select brushes/rollers designed specifically for exterior surfaces; they should have synthetic bristles for use with latex paints.

Taking Weather into Account

Avoid painting during extreme temperatures (below 50°F or above 90°F) as this could lead to poor adhesion or uneven drying of the paint. Additionally, avoid direct sunlight exposure while working on your project.

Painting Techniques

  • Dry Brush Technique: To prevent drips from forming on vertical surfaces like doors/windowsills, apply light pressure when using brush strokes.
  • Roller Application: For large, flat surfaces, use a roller to apply the paint evenly and efficiently.

Patience and precision are the cornerstones of obtaining an excellent outcome when painting your house’s exterior. Remember that patience and attention to detail are key factors in achieving exceptional results.

Selecting the ideal shades for your house’s facade can be a challenge, but if you remember these guidelines, it should make the process simpler. Professional house painting services offer many benefits that make them worth considering when it comes to improving your home’s look and feel.

Benefits of Professional House Painting Services

Hiring professional house painting services can provide numerous advantages over attempting to paint your home’s exterior yourself. These benefits include:

  • Expertise and experience: Professionals have years of experience in the field, ensuring they know the best techniques and materials for a long-lasting, high-quality finish. Professionals possess the expertise to understand various surface types and how to appropriately ready them for painting.
  • Safety: Painting a house exterior involves working at heights, which can be dangerous without proper equipment and training. A professional team will have all the necessary safety gear and follow strict safety protocols.
  • Time-saving: Hiring professionals allows you to focus on other tasks while they handle the entire process, from preparation to clean-up, efficiently.
  • Better results: With their expertise, professionals can help you choose the right color scheme that complements your home’s architecture while increasing its curb appeal. Additionally, they ensure even coverage with no streaks or uneven patches.

Before hiring a professional painter, it is important to research the company or individual painters by reading customer reviews and asking for referrals from friends and family. Look for customer reviews online or ask friends and family members who’ve had similar work done recently if they would recommend any particular company or individual painters. Consumer Reports offers valuable advice on finding reliable contractors as well as tips on getting estimates before committing to any service provider.

Investing in professional house painting services, rather than attempting DIY methods, can give homeowners peace of mind knowing their property is in good hands. This results in an exceptional final result that lasts longer.

The benefits of professional house painting services are numerous and should not be overlooked when considering a home improvement project. Finding quality painters near you can help ensure that the job is done correctly, efficiently, and safely so that your home looks its best for years to come.

7. Finding Quality House Painters Near You

Finding quality house painters in your area who can provide exceptional results at an affordable price is crucial for a successful exterior painting project. Here are some steps to help you find the best professionals for the job:

  1. Ask for recommendations: Start by asking friends, family, and neighbors if they have any trusted house painters they’ve worked with before. Personal referrals are often the most reliable way to find quality service providers.
  2. Check online reviews: Visit websites like Yelp, Google Maps, or local community forums to read customer reviews of painting companies near you.
  3. Contact multiple contractors: Reach out to several potential house painters and request quotes for your project. This will allow you to compare prices, services offered, and their level of professionalism.
  4. Verify licenses and insurance: Ensure that the painter holds a valid license (if required in your state) and carries adequate liability insurance coverage to protect against accidents on your property.
  5. Evaluate experience and expertise: Look into how long each company has been in business as well as their portfolio of past projects showcasing their workmanship. A reputable painter should be able to provide references from satisfied clients upon request.

Taking these steps will increase your chances of finding a skilled team like Matt The Painter, who provides an exceptional house painting experience through high-quality workmanship combined with professional interaction throughout the process.

How to Choose the Right Exterior Paint Color for Your Home

With so many paint colors available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, with a little research and planning, you can find the perfect color to enhance your home’s curb appeal.

Consider Your Home’s Architecture and Surroundings

When choosing an exterior paint color, consider your home’s architectural style and surroundings. For example, if you have a traditional-style home, you may want to choose a classic color like white or beige. If you have a modern-style home, you may want to choose a bold color like black or a bright color like red. Additionally, consider the colors of the surrounding homes and natural surroundings. You want your home to stand out but not clash with the neighborhood.

Look at Popular Paint Colors and Gather Inspiration

Look at popular paint colors and gather inspiration from online resources or magazines. Many paint companies, such as Sherwin Williams, offer online tools to help you visualize different paint colors on your home’s exterior. You can also drive around your neighborhood and take note of homes with colors you like.

Test Different Shades Before Committing

Before committing to a final paint color, test different shades on a small area of your home’s exterior. Paint samples are available at most home improvement stores. Test the colors in different lighting conditions and at different times of the day to see how they look.

Popular Exterior Paint Colors for 2023

According to industry experts, the most popular exterior paint colors for 2023 will be earthy tones like warm beige, soft greens, and muted blues. These colors create a welcoming atmosphere while complementing the natural surroundings. However, trends may vary by region, so it’s essential to research local preferences.

Visualize Your Home with Different Paint Colors

If you’re having trouble visualizing how your home will look with different paint colors, there are several apps available to help. Sherwin-Williams ColorSnap Visualizer, Benjamin Moore Personal Color Viewer, and Paint My Place are popular options. These tools allow you to upload photos of your home and experiment with various hues before making a decision.

How Many Colors Should You Paint the Exterior of Your Home?

When it comes to the number of colors to use on your home’s exterior, there is no hard and fast rule. However, most experts recommend using no more than three colors. Use one color for the main body of the house, another for the trim, and a third for accents like shutters or doors. Keep in mind that using too many colors can make your home look busy and chaotic.

With these tips in mind, you can confidently begin painting your home’s exterior with a fresh coat of paint in a color that reflects your personal style and enhances your home’s curb appeal.


Picking the correct shade for your home’s outside can be a difficult choice; however, with mindful thought of elements like design, finishing, and individual inclination, you can make an exquisite and inviting look. Popular colors like white or gray are always safe choices, while bolder hues like navy blue or deep green can add personality and charm to your home.

Before deciding on a color, it’s wise to experiment with the shade in various places of your home and assess its look when exposed to different lighting. And if you’re not confident in your painting skills, hiring professional house painters can ensure that the job is done efficiently and effectively.

If you’re still unsure about what color to paint your house outside or need help with residential or commercial painting services, contact Matt the Painter today!

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