6 Tips for Painting the Interior of Your Home - Matt the Painter

6 Tips for Painting the Interior of Your Home

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6 Tips for Painting the Interior of Your Home

interior painting techniques

interior painting techniques

Painting your house interior is the perfect DIY job if you’ve got the time and patience for it. While some may consider painting a pretty simple and straightforward job, beginners might have to burn through a lot of paint cans before getting the finish they were aiming at. To help you along the way, here are some tips and techniques that’ll help you get the perfect coat of paint:

  1. Clean the surfaces before starting to paint- Use a damp, wet cloth and remove all the grime and dirt from your walls before you start painting. Paint adhesion is poor in dirty surfaces so it’s important that you’ve got a clean canvas.
  2. Tint your primer- A primer’s job is to create a base for the actual coat of paint and improve the adhesion of paint to the wall surface. It’s always recommended to prime before you paint for a great finish. Tinting your primer with the final paint color you’re going for is a great idea because it will save you on paint. Usually, a single coat of paint will do the job after using a tinted primer.
  3. Avoid using plastic to cover your floors and furniture- It might initially seem that inexpensive plastic is the way to go, but in a practical situation, your best option would be a drop cloth. They can be easily folded to accommodate doorways and corners, actually absorb the paint rather than just repelling it and don’t really pose much of a tripping threat as opposed to their slippery plastic counterparts.
  4. Mix your paint to get a consistent color- To avoid getting multiple shades up on your walls and having to go through the whole repainting mess again, mix all your paint into one bucket before you start painting so that you get one consistent color that goes on all your walls. You might get different shades of paint if you don’t because there’s always the possibility of slight variations in color if you’re using multiple cans of paint.
  5. Get an extension pole for higher surfaces- Instead of opting for the ol’ rickety ladder, just head to your local supermarket and get yourself an extension pole. These are much easier to maneuver and allow you to work on your ceilings with ease, right from the comfort of the floor.
  6. Refrigerate your rollers- If you’re taking a pause from painting and don’t want to clean your equipment, just wrap your rollers in plastic wrap and pop it into the refrigerator.  This will prevent the paint from drying out overnight and allow you to pick up from where you left off.

If you decided to take on your own painting job then make sure you adopt these techniques. Alternatively, if you decide to contract your paint job then sit back and observe the painting professional!

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